It’s Time
For The 2015 Walmart Orgasm!
Walmart Annual Meeting
June 2014
© 2015 – It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!
& RightTurnMedia2014
Walmart Associates from around the world have
been piling into Bentonville,
Arkansas over the last few days
for the annual celebration in advance of Walmart’s Annual meeting on Saturday.
But what is there to celebrate?
Another year of failure after failure?
Here are the facts since the last annual meeting.
Customer’s who are still visiting Walmart are
finding no improvement in Customer Service, shelves still not stocked, and
higher prices. Yes, Walmart has “Now
Hiring” signs in every store, but who would want to work for what has become
the poster child in retail failures?
Has Walmart reached out to associates who left in
mass over the last few years to offer them positions?
Absolutely not.
Not even ones that have applied and are eligible
for rehire.
Associates were supposedly given raises and some
got schedules that were a little better, but that was at the cost of that was
loss of overnight differentials.
Associates have been chiseled out of other things as well. What happened to Mr. Sam’s policy that
anytime there is a change that would take something away from an existing
associate, it should not happen?
Shareholders, continue to get the shaft, which
they have for each and every year since the last stock split on April 19, 1999.
This table shows your investment’s gain or loss
on an annual basis since May 1999. You
will note that in the past year, your investment has lost 3.256% of its value.
Even more shocking is the overall return since
the last stock split. After a little
over 16 years, those that have been long term shareholders of Walmart stock
have only received an annual return on their investment of 2.8575%.
Our calculations are based on just the stock
price, not any dividends received.
Corporate boards of poorly performing companies,
especially those with a progressive leadership like Walmart, operate under the
rule, if we raise the dividend every year, the shareholders will not realize
they are not making much, or even worse, losing money on their investment in
our company.
From Customers, to Associates, to Shareholders,
we know it is time for a change at Walmart.
Progressive and Liberal leaders that have moved
in since Mr. Sam passed and proceeded to change Walmart’s mold from that of a
trailblazing, conservative company, that offered the best prices on its
products, excellent benefits to its associates, and provided excellent
investment growth for its shareholders, into a company that has a long track
record of failure after failure, a company that now has unions swarming around
it trying to organize its associates, and competitors reeking in the sales from
those customers that have taken their business away from Walmart.
It is time for a major, fundamental change at
It is time to return Mr. Sam, his beliefs,
values, and trailblazing business sprit to Walmart!
As a final note, thank you to Our Walmart for
causing associates to be further chiseled in the past year. Your continuing efforts to organize Walmart
associates under the smoke and mirrors act of demanding higher pay, better
benefits, blah, blah, blah, have cost each and every associate dearly after
Walmart made changes in March.
Our Walmart, you do not have a place in the
discussion or changes, your support by unions, and taking associates money so
they can have access to your site is unacceptable, and may be considered “Union
Dues”. Do those of us that are working
tirelessly to return Mr. Sam’s beliefs, values, and trailblazing business
spirit to the company, by leaving the discussion.
I also challenge those who joined Our Walmart and
your hard earned money each month to sever the tie, stop paying a Union.
Mr. Sam realized the awesome power of his
associates long ago, associates do not need Our Walmart or any other
organization to make change. I challenge
each and every one of you, whether you are in Bentonville this weekend for the
annual meeting, or in the stores, to join together and take this challenge to
make change to restore Walmart to the once great company it was when Mr. Sam
was in charge.
is power!
Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore! is here for
one reason, to return Sam Walton’s beliefs, values, and trail blazing business spirit
, that stresses Customer Service and Value to Walmart!
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Important disclosure notice
Some articles for “It’s Not
Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!” are written
by a 30 year shareholder of Walmart
Stores Inc., stock and former associate with over 10 years of service. This shareholder has no plans to purchase or
sell any shares of Walmart Stores Inc., and has not done so in the last 90