Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A Walmart Thanksgiving

A Walmart Thanksgiving

22 November 2015
Copyright © 2015 – It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!

As you make preparations and go out to buy the items for your Thanksgiving feast, make your plans for Black Friday, think about what a Walmart Thanksgiving is all about.

Thanksgiving For Associates

Begins in the days between the weekend before Thanksgiving and the Sunday following Thanksgiving with their hours being reduced.

Why is this?

Because the Walmart bean counters do not want any hourly associate to exceed 40 hours, period.  In fact if an associate exceeds their scheduled hours for the week, or 40 hours, whichever is the greater, they are coached.

Walmart pay periods run Friday through Thursday

Associates will get the bulk of their hours for Thanksgiving week on the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday before, then not many until Thanksgiving night into Black Friday.  Once the dust settles by Saturday, the hours are again reduced.  Therefore, associates end up with either their scheduled hours for both weeks, some lucky ones will get 40 hours, and next to none ever see any overtime pay.

Associates Holiday Pay

Is based on average hours worked over the last six (6) pay periods, that being the last 12 weeks.

For example, an associate averaged 29.5 hours per week for the last 12 weeks.  29.5 hours divided by a five (5) day week equals 5.9 hours holiday pay, provided the associate does not miss the scheduled shift prior or the scheduled shift after the holiday.

Our example associate pulls a 4pm Thanksgiving to 1am Black Friday morning shift.  That is 9 hours less the one hour mandatory meal break, so 8 paid hours, 7 hours on Thanksgiving, 1 hour on the new pay period.  This example associate will get 7 hours at their hourly pay rate, and 5.9 hours of holiday pay, provided they do not disqualify themselves from receiving that benefit.

Customers Lose

Cutbacks on staffing levels from Sunday before Thanksgiving up to Thanksgiving afternoon mean poor service in all areas including long waits to get checked out.

These Are Not Mr. Sam’s Thanksgiving Values

Mr. Sam closed his original format stores on Thanksgiving Day, and left Supercenters open, but staffed in a way customers were taken care of, and associates worked short shifts, unless an associate volunteered to work longer hours.

There were no Pre-Black Friday sales, Thanksgiving in a supercenter was for two purposes, one, to take care of customers who needed last minute items for their meal, and two, to insure the store was ready. 

Associates that worked Thanksgiving were treated to a Thanksgiving feast, and if they desired to work longer hours on Black Friday, they were welcome to, even if it put them over 40 hours.

Unfortunately, the liberals and progressives who took the helm ten plus years ago trashed Mr. Sam’s way of running the business.

Problem with bean counting liberals and progressives is a lot like the way our nation as a whole is going, eventually the beans run out.

It Is Time To Restore Mr. Sam’s Beliefs, Values, and Rock Solid Business Model to Walmart

This means banning Black Friday sales until 5am on Black Friday.

Staffing stores, and not worrying about the added labor costs, after all, the way to make money is to invest money.

Giving associates that work Thanksgiving a Thanksgiving Feast, not the Biscuits and Gravy that the liberal & progressive bean counters replaced the feast with.  Ick.

Ending the ban on using vacation time.

Allowing associates to have time off, not just on Thanksgiving, but during the holiday season.

You realize some of the costs Walmart Associates pay for their Walmart Thanksgiving

Now, let us work to restore Thanksgiving at Walmart the way it was before the liberal and progressive bean counters took over, but not just at Walmart, but at all other retailers who have forgotten what Thanksgiving Day is for, giving Thanks.

Knowledge is power! 

It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!  is here for one reason, to return Sam Walton’s beliefs, values, and trail blazing business spirit , that stresses Customer Service and Value to Walmart! 

We encourage you to share this social media post, however, publication without the consent of It’s Not Sam’s Walmart….Anymore  is prohibited.  Unlike other blogs, we share information with the world in the efforts to educate our readers, not to make advertising money.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

It's Time For The Annual Walmart Orgasm!

It’s Time For The 2015 Walmart Orgasm!
a/k/a Walmart Annual Meeting

4 June 2014
Copyright © 2015 – It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!  & RightTurnMedia2014

Walmart Associates from around the world have been piling into Bentonville, Arkansas over the last few days for the annual celebration in advance of Walmart’s Annual meeting on Saturday.

But what is there to celebrate?

Another year of failure after failure?

Here are the facts since the last annual meeting.

Customer’s who are still visiting Walmart are finding no improvement in Customer Service, shelves still not stocked, and higher prices.  Yes, Walmart has “Now Hiring” signs in every store, but who would want to work for what has become the poster child in retail failures?

Has Walmart reached out to associates who left in mass over the last few years to offer them positions? 

Absolutely not. 

Not even ones that have applied and are eligible for rehire.

Associates were supposedly given raises and some got schedules that were a little better, but that was at the cost of that was loss of overnight differentials.  Associates have been chiseled out of other things as well.  What happened to Mr. Sam’s policy that anytime there is a change that would take something away from an existing associate, it should not happen?

Shareholders, continue to get the shaft, which they have for each and every year since the last stock split on April 19, 1999.

This table shows your investment’s gain or loss on an annual basis since May 1999.  You will note that in the past year, your investment has lost 3.256% of its value.

Even more shocking is the overall return since the last stock split.  After a little over 16 years, those that have been long term shareholders of Walmart stock have only received an annual return on their investment of 2.8575%.

Our calculations are based on just the stock price, not any dividends received.

Corporate boards of poorly performing companies, especially those with a progressive leadership like Walmart, operate under the rule, if we raise the dividend every year, the shareholders will not realize they are not making much, or even worse, losing money on their investment in our company.

From Customers, to Associates, to Shareholders, we know it is time for a change at Walmart.
Progressive and Liberal leaders that have moved in since Mr. Sam passed and proceeded to change Walmart’s mold from that of a trailblazing, conservative company, that offered the best prices on its products, excellent benefits to its associates, and provided excellent investment growth for its shareholders, into a company that has a long track record of failure after failure, a company that now has unions swarming around it trying to organize its associates, and competitors reeking in the sales from those customers that have taken their business away from Walmart.

It is time for a major, fundamental change at Walmart.

It is time to return Mr. Sam, his beliefs, values, and trailblazing business sprit to Walmart!

As a final note, thank you to Our Walmart for causing associates to be further chiseled in the past year.  Your continuing efforts to organize Walmart associates under the smoke and mirrors act of demanding higher pay, better benefits, blah, blah, blah, have cost each and every associate dearly after Walmart made changes in March.  

Our Walmart, you do not have a place in the discussion or changes, your support by unions, and taking associates money so they can have access to your site is unacceptable, and may be considered “Union Dues”.  Do those of us that are working tirelessly to return Mr. Sam’s beliefs, values, and trailblazing business spirit to the company, by leaving the discussion.

I also challenge those who joined Our Walmart and your hard earned money each month to sever the tie, stop paying a Union.

Mr. Sam realized the awesome power of his associates long ago, associates do not need Our Walmart or any other organization to make change.  I challenge each and every one of you, whether you are in Bentonville this weekend for the annual meeting, or in the stores, to join together and take this challenge to make change to restore Walmart to the once great company it was when Mr. Sam was in charge.

Knowledge is power! 

It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!  is here for one reason, to return Sam Walton’s beliefs, values, and trail blazing business spirit , that stresses Customer Service and Value to Walmart! 

We encourage you to share this social media post, however, publication without consent for profit is prohibited.  Unlike other bloggers, we share information with the world in the efforts to educate our readers, not to make advertising money.

Important disclosure notice

Some articles for “It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!” are  written by  a 30 year shareholder of Walmart Stores Inc., stock and former associate with over 10 years of service.  This shareholder has no plans to purchase or sell any shares of Walmart Stores Inc., and has not done so in the last 90 days.