Blame Walmart, Blame ACA!
17 October
© 2014 – It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!
Earlier in the week, Walmart Stores Inc.,
announced that it would be terminating health care plans for those working
under 30 hours, and that health care plan costs would be rising substantially
in 2015.
Those not well informed, and our liberal media
are pointing fingers at Walmart for announcing this.
Attention those in the groups above, here is your
wake up call!
This is not Walmart’s fault.
Both of these changes are due to the nation’s
awesome Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare”.
First, Mandates buried in this Act required employers to make changes
in the 2014 plan year which included dropping those working under 30 hours on
average per week from their company health care plans, dropping spouses
coverage, as well as cutting other benefits such as vacation hours, holiday
In 2014, Walmart did not follow what most every
other company did in this respect and maintained health care insurance and
other benefits for their associates working under 30 hours on average per week.
Secondly, All of us fortunate enough to have health care plans through
our employers can expect significant premium increases for 2015.
Claims paid out under the first year of the act
in many cases are exceeding what is being paid in. For example, in Iowa, $1.07 in claims has been paid out thus
far in 2014 for every $1.00 in health care insurance premiums being
It is a rare moment when “It’s Not Sam’s
Walmart….Anymore”, would be siding with a decision made by the Home Office, but
we are, for one reason. This decision is
mandated under the Affordable Care Act, no company has a choice.
Further mandates that none of us know about as
they are buried in the Act, are scheduled to kick in after the November 4, 2014
Therefore, if you do not like what Walmart is being forced to do,
support the repeal of the Affordable Care Act by voting the liberals out on
November 4th. It is that simple.
It’s Not
Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore! Is a Free to
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is power!
Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore! is here for
one reason, to return Sam Walton’s beliefs, values, and rock solid business
model , that stresses Customer Service and Value to Walmart!
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