Friday, October 17, 2014

Don’t Blame Walmart, Blame ACA!

Don’t Blame Walmart, Blame ACA!

17 October 2014
Copyright © 2014 – It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!

Earlier in the week, Walmart Stores Inc., announced that it would be terminating health care plans for those working under 30 hours, and that health care plan costs would be rising substantially in 2015.

Those not well informed, and our liberal media are pointing fingers at Walmart for announcing this.

Attention those in the groups above, here is your wake up call! 

This is not Walmart’s fault. 

Both of these changes are due to the nation’s awesome Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare”.

First, Mandates buried in this Act required employers to make changes in the 2014 plan year which included dropping those working under 30 hours on average per week from their company health care plans, dropping spouses coverage, as well as cutting other benefits such as vacation hours, holiday pay.

In 2014, Walmart did not follow what most every other company did in this respect and maintained health care insurance and other benefits for their associates working under 30 hours on average per week.

Secondly, All of us fortunate enough to have health care plans through our employers can expect significant premium increases for 2015.

Claims paid out under the first year of the act in many cases are exceeding what is being paid in.  For example, in Iowa, $1.07 in claims has been paid out thus far in 2014 for every $1.00 in health care insurance premiums being collected. 

It is a rare moment when “It’s Not Sam’s Walmart….Anymore”, would be siding with a decision made by the Home Office, but we are, for one reason.  This decision is mandated under the Affordable Care Act, no company has a choice.

Further mandates that none of us know about as they are buried in the Act, are scheduled to kick in after the November 4, 2014 elections.

Therefore, if you do not like what Walmart is being forced to do, support the repeal of the Affordable Care Act by voting the liberals out on November 4th.  It is that simple.

It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!  Is a Free to visit site.  We do not charge any fees to view our content, period.

Knowledge is power! 

It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!  is here for one reason, to return Sam Walton’s beliefs, values, and rock solid business model , that stresses Customer Service and Value to Walmart! 

We encourage you to share this social media post, however, publication without our consent for profit is prohibited.  Unlike other bloggers, we share information with the world in the efforts to educate our readers, not to make advertising money.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Walmart ASPP / Computershare Fee Warning

Walmart ASPP / Computershare Fee Warning

12 September 2013
Copyright © 2014 – It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!  & RightTurnMedia2014

Are you a former Walmart or Sam’s Club employee that participated in the Walmart Stores inc., Associate Stock Purchase Program (ASPP)?

If you participated in the program, and have kept your shares in the Walmart Stores Inc., Associate Stock Purchase Program (ASSP) after separation, you are in for a fee shock.

Computershare, the program’s administrator/trustee, asses a fee on all former employees/associates who retain shares purchased during their employment in the Walmart Stores Inc., Associate Stock Purchase Program of $35.00 annually.  This fee is deducted in the first quarter, by liquidating enough stock to cover the fee.

It costs very little for Computershare and other such companies that act as trustee, to maintain an account, especially considering the fact this program only sends out statements twice a year.  Computershare is simply fee farming at the expense of former Walmart and Sam’s Club employees who are unaware of this fee after separating from the company.

Computershare can hide behind the fact that “There is an explanation of the maintenance fee on the back of the Associate Stock Purchase Plan statement as well as the Associate Handbook”

Most states require that any fees an employer assesses on Stock Purchase Plan or 401K Plan accounts must be disclosed in the prospectus or plan materials, in writing, not electronically.

Additionally, when an employee separates employment, the employee must be notified by mail of any fees on such accounts if they chose to retain them, or their options to transfer or liquidate the holdings, along with potential costs of such.

Fee farming by trustees in Employee Stock Purchase Programs, or 401K Programs is at an all time high, due to the fact these companies are attempting to hide behind their “electronic disclosures” listed in employee handbooks or elsewhere.

Additionally, Computershare notes that “by signing up for the Associate Stock Purchase Program, you agreed to the terms and conditions of the Plan as explained in the Associate Handbook”.

Likewise successful litigation has been brought against such companies and their investment trustees.

If you are a former Walmart or Sam’s Club employee and still have investments in either the Walmart Stores Inc., Associate Stock Purchase Program (ASPP) and/or the Walmart Stores Inc., 401K program, be aware you are paying charges, some excessive, for keeping your investments in these programs.

If you have been charged this $35.00 fee by Computershare, you are more than welcome to send a complaint email to 

No, you will receive the same form reply that we here at It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore received, but it will let them know there are a number of former Walmart & Sam’s Club employees out there that are upset over the $35.00 per year fee.

If you know a former Walmart or Sam’s Club employee that may have investments in either the Walmart Stores Inc., Associate Stock Purchase Program (ASPP), and/or the Walmart Stores Inc., 401k Program, please share this article with them.

Last, but not least, “It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…….Anymore” is interested in speaking with a law firm with experience in such litigation.  Numerous former Walmart & Sam’s Club employees are being saddled with excessive fees for keeping investments in the Walmart Stores Inc., Associate Stock Purchase Program, and Walmart 401k programs.  Interested attorney’s should contact us at, we ask that for credentials and history in litigating such cases.

Knowledge is power! 

It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!  is here for one reason, to return Sam Walton’s beliefs, values, and rock solid business model , that stresses Customer Service and Value to Walmart! 

We encourage you to share this social media post, however, publication without consent for profit is prohibited.  Unlike other bloggers, we share information with the world in the efforts to educate our readers, not to make advertising money.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Seven Quarters

Seven Quarters, and Counting

16 August 2014
Copyright © 2014 – It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!  & RightTurnMedia2014

For the last seven quarters, or 1 ¾ years, Walmart’s Same Store sales have either been flat or falling.

As one long time Walmart stock analyst put it, “this company has a real serious management issue”, something It’s Not Sam’s Walmart….Anymore!, has known and witnessed for the last twelve years.

Once upon a time, back when Mr. Sam was still anything but a memory, you could judge our nation’s economy by Walmart’s Same Store Sales.  Sales going up quarter to quarter equaled a good economy.  But it sales dropped quarter to quarter for two straight quarters, something that had never happened before now, it was a sign that the economy was not in good condition.

Mr. Sam would never have tolerated one quarter of Same Store Sales being flat or falling, much alone two or more.

Why is this happening?

Simple, Walmart’s leadership is spending too much time investing money to chase after, the online grocery purchase and delivery business, and many other areas Walmart is not a leader in, instead of investing in the core business, the stores!

Investments in the core Walmart business, the stores, MUST be made!  These investments include, but are not limited to:

o  LAYAWAY!!!!  Probably Walmart’s biggest blunder of the last decade was eliminating Layaway.  As I have noted many a time, it is the only reason K-Mart is clinging on to life.  It is beyond time to return full layaway to each and every store.  This one move alone will increase Walmart’s market share, and increase Walmart’s sales immediately!

o  Full Store Renovations, Not Touchups.  Something K-Mart did til they went bankrupt.  Walmart ceased full store renovations as an effort to conserve working capital in favor of “touch up” renovations.

o  Increased Staffing.   Not just to include registers to insure customers are not made to wait excessively to check out, especially during the overnight hours where Walmart has lost an extensive amount of sales to other retailers that converted to 24 hour operations.

o  Increased Overnight Staffing.  To insure replenishment of shelves is fully completed.

o  Insuring Distribution Centers Are Stocked.  Walmart’s leadership, in an effort to conserve working capital, cut stocking levels in the distribution centers many years ago, this led to increased “outs” on store shelves, even in basic items.  It is beyond time to reverse this decision to insure each and every Distribution Center has adequate stock to provide to each and every store it serves.

o  Reinstate Hourly Department Managers In Each and Every Department.  Changing to Zone Managers and reducing the number of Department Managers has also contributed to the lack of stock on shelves problems plaguing each and every store.

o  Reduce the Management Heavy Ranks In Each and Every Store.  There are too many managers, and not enough associates to provide exceptional Customer Service. 

o  Eliminate the Home Office Store Scheduling System and Return Scheduling To The Store Level.  This is essential to insure each store’s success.  Currently, stores cannot add staff on for unusual events, such as bad weather, sporting events, product releases, etc. 

o  Rollback the Availability Rules.  With the elimination of scheduling of stores at the Home Office level, Availability Rules must be rolled back to what they originally were.  For example, a store may need an extra CSM overnights for just half a shift, but that is not allowed under the existing system.  Walmart, like many other companies that has implemented the so called “customer centered (NOT!)” scheduling system have been plagued by decreased customer satisfaction and high turnover.

o  Bring Back Talented Associates To Re-Energize The Company!  A large number of tenured Walmart Associates, the ones that were the best all around, were chased out the doors by the current mis-management and mis-leadership. 

o  Remove Entrenched or Underperforming Managers!  There are numerous entrenched Managers at all levels of Walmart, as well as underperforming ones.  A good example is the Market District Manager that has been leader of the same Market District for well over 20 years.  It has lead to poor decisions on whom to place in Store Management positions, which in turn leads to even poorer decisions in the stores.  Example, a former Co-Manager who spent his overnight shifts sleeping in the Manger’s Office, was promoted to Store Manager in another District, when it was found the Store Manager was failing, he was hired back as a Store Manager in his former District, where there have been numerous problems and high turnover since his arrival.

o  Dismantle the Spark, and Change The Walmart Logo Back!  Walmart’s current logo and “the spark” are trademarks of company’s leadership and management failures over the last 12 to 14 years.  Roll it back!

While there are plenty of other things that could be listed on the priorities sheet, those above, if completed quickly, could start to right the sinking Walmart ship.

Each retailer from the time of F.W. Woolworth, to Walmart, runs a certain life cycle, from start up to success, to eventual failure.  Walmart’s leadership has navigated the Walmart ship into the beginning of the failure stage.  Unlike those other retailers that have come and gone into the history books, the failure of Walmart would be an economic disaster on levels of which we have never seen.

Knowledge is power! 

It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!  is here for one reason, to return Sam Walton’s beliefs, values, and rock solid business model , that stresses Customer Service and Value to Walmart! 

We encourage you to share this social media post, however, publication without consent for profit is prohibited.  Unlike other bloggers, we share information with the world in the efforts to educate our readers, not to make advertising money.

Monday, July 7, 2014

From 23rd to 70th, and Falling!

From 23rd to 70th, and Falling!
The Fall of Walmart from The Barron’s Most Favored Companies List

7 July 2014
Copyright © 2014 – It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!

On June 28h, 2014, Barron’s released its 2014 World’s Most Respected Companies Survey.

In the 2013 edition of the survey, Walmart Stores Inc., ranked in 23rd Place.

This year’s edition, Walmart has fallen to 70th Place! 

Yes, 70th place.

Oh Why Is Walmart Falling Like A Brick Off The Barron’s Survey?

It is a easy answer. 

Just walk into a Walmart store.

You will find, Empty Shelves, Lack of Selection, No Layaway, Little if any Customer Service, and High Prices, just to name a few.

Empty Shelves

Since late April, I have been conducting a little “shelf out” project in one local Walmart store.

Item being monitored is a very popular Fram Tough Guard Oil Filter, TG-3506 to be exact.  This filter is widely used in many General Motors products from the late 1990’s to present.  Each time we have checked, the filter is “out”.  These checks have been conducted many times each week.

Time was an “out” in a Walmart Store was considered a very serious thing, something that the Department Manager had to answer to the higher powers on.

When I inquired when they might get a new stock, the answer, time and time again was “I don’t know”.

When I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Sam, long before becoming an Walmart shareholder, and later an Walmart Associate, he said the one thing he never wanted to hear was “I don’t know”.  Translated, “I don’t know” is “I do not care about you as a customer”.  In Mr. Sam’s teachings, if you did not know, you needed to find someone that did.

Alas that thinking has long gone from Walmart.

For the record, the Menard’s store across the street from this Walmart, did have plenty of stock of that TG-3506 Oil Filter, and when I asked how long it takes if they should run out, the reply is, we should never run out of stock.  Oh, and Menard’s price, less than Walmart’s.

Lack of Selection

Remember that epic fail not too many years ago where Walmart eliminated items that supposedly were not selling well to increase stocking space for items that were?

As part of that project, it was determined that action alley displays were “tacky” and needed to go.  In return, additional shelving space would be added.

Walmart spent millions to roll out that project, and lost millions in sales.

Sad news is, they still are.

Yes, most if not all stores have now been converted back, the extra shelving removed, the action alley displays restored, all at millions of dollars of additional expenses.  But the selections that were eliminated originally were not restored, and in fact, more items have vanished from Walmart shelves.

Example, you can no longer find smaller sizes of liquid laundry detergent. 

Hint! Hint! Walmart!  Smaller households, do not need the mega sized 50 load liquid laundry detergent.

Continued lack of selection is costing Walmart customers, like me that have found those products that Walmart has eliminated elsewhere, costing Walmart millions of dollars in sales.

Who is happy that Walmart continues this Lack of Selection binge?

Yep, their competitors.

Lack of Layaway

Another epic fail in the last decade was Walmart’s decision to eliminate Layaway in 2005.

It is one of the two reasons K-Mart is still a going (not very well) concern.

Walmart decided to eliminate Layaway in order to push its branded credit card with GE Bank, a card with an interest rate above 20%, and criteria such that the majority of those who utilized Layaway would never qualify for the card.

Layaway afforded tens of thousands of loyal Walmart customers the opportunity to buy the merchandise they desired, over a set time, without any charges.

Layaway brought in countless dollars in sales.  After all, Walmart was one of the few retailers that offered Layaway.

Just like the epic “Lack Of Selection” fail, Walmart once again repeated itself, by offering limited Layaway with service charges. 

There are people at K-Mart rejoicing at this epic fail, times two.

Little, If Any, Customer Service

If the Oil Filter example was not enough in the “Little, If Any, Customer Service” subject, here are a few more things to toss up for the discussion.

When was the last time you actually got exceptional Customer Service at Walmart?

When was the last time you saw a Walmart Employee (yes, they’re not called “Associates” anymore), with a name badge that had “5, 10, 15, 20, 25 Years Of Service” on it?

When was the last time you shopped at a Walmart and did not have to wait in a line for a lengthy period of time to check out?

When was the last time, late in the evening, a staffed check out was open for you?

If you are like a lot of Walmart’s tried and true customers, you have jumped ship and now shop with competitors instead.

Customer Service was the hallmark of Mr. Sam’s company.  Mr. Sam called those that worked for him, “Associates”.  Those “Associates” had a stake in the success of Mr. Sam’s company, and they were rewarded quite well, for those successes. 

All of this is now gone and forgotten.

High Prices

Epic Failure after Epic Failure that has cost millions and millions of dollars, and in the two examples above, have not been corrected, have to be paid for.

Who pays for these Epic Walmart Failures?

The Customers. 

How Can Walmart Become One of The Most Admired Companies Again?

Mr. Sam’s Beliefs, Values, and Rock Solid Business Model that stressed Customer Service and Value must be restored!

Coming Soon!

In the days and weeks ahead, It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!, articles will discuss subjects from why Walmart shareholders are actually losing money, to real facts about Walmart wages and benefits before the liberal regime took over the company.

“From 23rd to 70th and Falling!” is copyrighted © 2014 by It’s Not Sam’s Walmart….Anymore!

It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!  Is a Free to visit site.  We do not charge any fees to view our content, period.

Knowledge is power! 

It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!  is here for one reason, to return Sam Walton’s beliefs, values, and rock solid business model , that stresses Customer Service and Value to Walmart! 

We encourage you to share this social media post, however, publication without our consent for profit is prohibited.  Unlike other bloggers, we share information with the world in the efforts to educate our readers, not to make advertising money.

Important disclosure notice

It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!  is operated by a 30 year shareholder of Walmart Stores Inc., stock and former associate with over 10 years of service, until he was called “Gay” by a cashier, and shoved out the door.  This shareholder has no plans to purchase or sell any shares of Walmart Stores Inc., and has not done so in the last 90 days. 

Welcome To It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!

Welcome To It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!

7 July 2014
Copyright © 2014 – It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!

Welcome & Thank You for stopping by It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!

Knowledge Is Power!

Our goal here is to educate each and every one of our readers about the leadership failings in Walmart that have led to the company into a slow, but sure demise.

Working together, we can turn Walmart around, restore Mr. Sam’s beliefs, values, and rock solid business model that centered around exceptional customer service and value that turned Walmart into a worldwide powerhouse.

What We Are Not

It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!, is not supported with funding from advertising, or funding from unions.

Our content is free to everyone, period. 

We are not going to ask you to pay anything to view our content, nor have we “monetized” our social media blog site.

Upcoming Articles

In the days and weeks ahead, It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!, articles will discuss subjects from why Walmart shareholders are actually losing money, to why Walmart is dropping like a rock off the Barron’s Most Favored Companies list, to real facts about Walmart wages and benefits before the liberal regime took over the company.

Thank You For Visiting!

“Welcome To It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!” is copyrighted © 2014 by It’s Not Sam’s Walmart….Anymore!

It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!  Is a Free to visit site.  We do not charge any fees to view our content, period.

Knowledge is power! 

It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!  is here for one reason, to return Sam Walton’s beliefs, values, and rock solid business model , that stresses Customer Service and Value to Walmart! 

We encourage you to share this social media post, however, publication without our consent for profit is prohibited.  Unlike other bloggers, we share information with the world in the efforts to educate our readers, not to make advertising money.

Important disclosure notice

It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!  is operated by a 30 year shareholder of Walmart Stores Inc., stock and former associate with over 10 years of service, until he was called “Gay” by a cashier, and shoved out the door.  This shareholder has no plans to purchase or sell any shares of Walmart Stores Inc., and has not done so in the last 90 days. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Attention Walmart Shoppers! Store Manager Throws A Public Tantrum!

Store Manager Throws A Public Tantrum!

23 May 2014
Copyright © 2014 – It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!

Sometimes, It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!, gets its best material by just wandering around a random store.

This morning was no exception.  Instead of finding some customer pulling something, or a item that has been out for two weeks or more, here is what happened.

While wandering back across the Produce area to head to the check outs, the following was observed.

Store’s Manager and his assistants were walking the store, when the Store Manager noticed a not well kept display of Memorial Day plastic flowers on the Grocery Side entryway.

Store Manager yells out on the radio for the associate responsible for this display.  When that associate does not answer, he has the associate paged.

Associate comes up to the front of the store, notifying the Store Manager that she was on break and planning to take care of the display when she came back on, and the Store Manager went off!

He told her that the display needed to be zoned up and restocked, IMMEDIATELY!

Store Manager looked like a child having a temper tantrum, right out in front of the shopping public.

I think all who know Mr. Sam’s Basic Beliefs will agree with me that all three were effectively trashed by this Store Manager’s display of non-professionalism.

This Store Manager has been in his position at this store for over 20 years.  Not only that, this store is the Management Training store for the Omaha Market District.

It’s Not Sam’s Walmart……Anymore!, is asking you to call Walmart Store #776 in Fremont, Nebraska at (402) 727-0414, demand to speak with the Store Director, and demand that he immediately apologize to this associate and tender his resignation. 

This Store Manager is Not A Leader, he is a Dictator, he does not Respect the Individual, nor does he Strive for Excellence. 

One last note, this display that caused the scene, was not legal by Walmart’s display policies in the first place, and should have been torn down.

“Store Manager Throws A Public Tantrum!” is copyrighted © 2014 by It’s Not Sam’s Walmart….Anymore!

It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!  Is a Free to visit site.  We do not charge any fees to view our content, period.

Knowledge is power! 

It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!  is here for one reason, to return Sam Walton’s beliefs, values, and rock solid business model , that stresses Customer Service and Value to Walmart! 

We encourage you to share this social media post, however, publication without consent for profit is prohibited.  Unlike other bloggers, we share information with the world in the efforts to educate our readers, not to make advertising money.

Important disclosure notice

It’s Not Sam’s Walmart…..Anymore!  is operated by a 30 year shareholder of Walmart Stores Inc., stock and former associate with over 10 years of service, until he was called “Gay” by a cashier, and shoved out the door.  This shareholder has no plans to purchase or sell any shares of Walmart Stores Inc., and has not done so in the last 90 days.